Sunday 30 September 2012

Jesus Christ, the Eternal Life

Jesus Christ , the Eternal Life is a 24 1/2"x31"x2" oil painting on canvass portraying the Universality and Eternal Christianity. The three women represent all ethnicity, all cultures, all peoples, all civilizations, all sexes at all places and at all times. The message of Jesus Christ is open to all repentant sinners. God wants to save all  persons since all persons are His creations in spite of differences in colors, cultures, ages, economic-political-religious-legal-social-intellectual-physical status. But each person is gifted with the powers to be or not to be, to choose freely or not to, to obey God or to rebel against God. The consequences of vanity, greed, rebellion and disobedience to the legal and moral laws are sanctions, imprisonments, wars, public shaming, losses, sinfulness, destructions due to personal non repentance and arrogance. Obedience to legal and moral laws bring progress and inner strenght thru Divine Graces inspite of health, economic, mental, material,emotional, psychological challenges. The red,white background includes His message. Divine Love, Mercy and Forgiveness is open to all persons, at all places and at all places thru the powers of The Holy Spirit. It works by Reentance, humility and personal choice of the applications of total Faith, Hope and Love in sickness or in Health, in wealth or in poverty, in pain or in joy and in all situations of life and death. This is the original version.THe improved final touches comes later on with another photo. Date is Sept.2011. Price: $1.00 as a starting bid and transfer of ownership goes to the highest bidder.

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